/ / / DIY Pom Pom Bookmarks

DIY Pom Pom Bookmarks

  • pom pom maker
  • yarn
  • Scissors
crochet, needlework, crochet hook-2753713.jpg
no person, love, crochet-3165927.jpg

1. Open up the pom pom maker as shown.

2. Start at the center and begin wrapping your yarn around both arms of the pom pom maker, working your way to the end.

3. Once you reach the end, close this arm of the pom pom maker.

crochet, needlework, crochet hook-2753713.jpg
no person, love, crochet-3165927.jpg

4. continue wrapping the other arms starting at center of the pom pom maker and working to the end.

5. Use scissors to cut around the groove of the pom pom maker.

6. Take a 24″ long piece of yarn and center it in the groove.

crochet, needlework, crochet hook-2753713.jpg
no person, love, crochet-3165927.jpg

4. continue wrapping the other arms starting at center of the pom pom maker and working to the end.

5. Use scissors to cut around the groove of the pom pom maker.

6. Take a 24″ long piece of yarn and center it in the groove.

1. Packing:

How, how, HOW did I not know about packing cubes 5 years ago? I found my first set in TJMaxx and used them for myself initially. It was such a game changer for my suitcase, that I immediately Purchased sets for my kids.

How did this work for you? Do you have tips you want to share? Please comment below!

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crochet, needlework, crochet hook-2753713.jpg
Close-up Photography of Colorful Yarns

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